44 thoughts on “Contact

  1. Hi Emma,

    I don’t know if you’ll remember but I bought Frost Hollow Hall for a friend. Anyway, she couldn’t wait for me to read it so she could share something with me I thought you may be interested so I copied it here: xxx

    On page 282 are the words; Will turned over the picture in his hand. ‘ Well it says here: sixth of February 1871″.’ Everything stopped. ‘Give me that!’ I seized the picture from him. As I read the writing on the back of it, a sob broke from my mouth. There it was, as clear as day, that date which linked everything together…

    As I read the words “the date which linked everything together”, everything stopped for me too, because it suddenly hit me that that day’s date was the 6th of February!!!! I had to double check on a calendar & I got a proper shiver down the spine!! Up until that exact moment, I had genuinely not registered what the date was. It is rare for me to read books during the day…I usually save them for bedtime…yet I’d been pulled towards FHH that day & read the majority of the book (up to the end) on the very day that is so important in the story! I thought that was quite a spooky coincidence!! :-s

  2. Good evening,

    There’s no reason you would remember, but we spoke in the green room at the Hay Festival, when I broke the etiquette, disturbed you and asked advice on getting published (advice which you very kindly offered). I have just read ‘Frost Hollow Hall’ and loved it – what a wonderful story! The strange thing is that I bought it months before I spoke to you, but didn’t put two and two together until afterwards! One of those forehead-slapping moments. So I just wanted to say thank you for your help again and I’m looking forward to getting through your other ones.


    PS, I’m sure you know already, but ‘In Darkling Wood’ was one of a handful of children’s books featured in The Week’s review of reviews in the 1st Aug issue. I’ve got my copy ordered!

    1. Hello Nico
      Yes, I remember us chatting at Hay! Now that it’s summer hols time I’d imagine you’ve got a bit more writing time. Hope it’s all going well and most importantly, that you’re enjoying it! Glad to hear you liked FHH. Yes, IDW has recently been released, which is always a bit nerve-wracking, so it’s lovely to be reviewed nicely!
      Wishing you all the best with your writing/story

    2. Hi my name is nior
      How are you doing
      Hope you are great
      I was just wanting to ask about a story that I’m writing I’ve started writing a story but I don’t know what to write next I have no ideas. And I wanted to ask you if you have the same problem and if you do how do you overcome it

      P. S. I love all your stories your are amazing and you should be proud of yourself

      From noor

      1. Hello Noor! I’m good, thanks. Hope you are, too. Yes, I do sometimes get stuck for ideas. That’s when its good to step away from the story, go for a walk, eat a biscuit, call a friend, basically do something other than writing and hopefully an idea will come to you- sometimes quite quickly, sometimes it takes a while. Also read books, watch films, look at pictures… all these things will trigger ideas. Good luck! Emma

      2. Hi Emma,

        I am a big fan of your books. At school we are reading letters from the lighthouse and i love it! It is so interesting me and best friend , Emilia cant stop talking about what’s going to happen next.

        P.S I love all your stories but especially letters from the lighthouse.

        From Lucy age 10

      3. Hello Lucy! Really nice to hear from you. I’m sorry for the rubbishly slow reply. I’m so delighted to hear you’ve enjoyed reading Letters at school. Do say a big HELLO to Emilia from me, too! All very best wishes + hope you have a great summer, Emma

  3. Hi Emma,

    Thanks for the reply! I’ve been away, or I would have replied sooner myself. Yes, I finished the umpteenth draft of my novel (it began to feel like I was just pushing paint around the canvas), and I have sent off the chapters and synopsis. I’m now in the painful weeks of radio-silence! It feels as though I’ve sent off my soul for someone to judge and find wanting… Anyway, enjoy what remains of the hols and thanks again for your help!


  4. Dear Emma Carroll my name is Zola and I am nearly 10 years old and I am writing from Sydney, Australia. I have read all 4 of your books and can’t wait for your fifth one to come out. Today at school, my teacher gave us a task to choose one character from a book to come to life. I chose Tilly Higgins because she is daring, dangerous, and curious. A lot like me. As my mum says. I would really like to meet you one day and I would love you to sign one of my books. You are my favourite author. No matter what you do, you make the book exciting.

    1. Hi Zola
      Great to hear from you all the way on the other side of the world! I’m so glad that you’ve enjoyed all 4 books- and that you’re like Tilly in real life! She’s probably my favourite character too. Bravery and being curious are very VERY cool personality traits. If ever I’m in Australia I’ll let you know so we can say hello in person!
      Sending you lots of good wishes
      Emma 🙂

      1. Hi Emma
        My name is Noor I’m 11 nearly 12. I’ve read all your 8 books and I’m waiting to get the next books and I am writing a book called Escape but I need a editor and a publisher any suggestions?

        My Y6 teacher tweeted to you she is called Karen Jewell

      2. Hi Noor, thanks for your message and a huge WELL DONE for getting underway with your first draft. This is the bit I find the hardest, so I’m totally impressed! Ok, so to your question. My advice to you would be to not think about editors and publishers just yet. Its a very tough world out there with lots of people trying to get their books noticed, so yours should be the very best it can be before you send it to anyone in publishing- and that’s likely to be not just yet but in a few year’s time. As for an editor, a good start would be to get a beta-reader ( someone who’ll read your work + give feedback on it). That might be a friend or a teacher/librarian. The main thing is that writing takes patience: give yourself time to finish your story and get feedback on it. Also, more than anything READ READ READ. It’s the very best way to fill your head with ideas. Wishing you the very best of luck, Emma

    1. Hello!
      Thanks so much getting in touch + your invitation to appear on your blog. I’m currently working on two very tight deadlines for different publishers so really can’t squeeze in any more blog pieces until the end of November at the earliest. Does that sound do-able to you? Let me know and thanks again, Emma

      1. Hi, that’s perfectly ok! I’ll wait and get back to you again. 😀 And good luck for the deadlines!!

    2. Hi Emma!
      I just LOVE all of your books, they are amazing! I just finished reading The Somerset Tsunami and I literally didn’t want it to end!

      I want to be an author and who inspired me…
      YOU DID! Ever since I read Letters from the Lighthouse last year, I decided I wanted to be an author.
      I thank you a lot because I have finally found something I enjoy. I can just sit there for hours on end writing, writing, writing! (Until my hand starts to hurt!) LOL
      Do you have any great advice for me?

  5. Hi Emma,
    I love you Book THE GIRL WHO WALKED ON AIR Iam from a circus family so I feel so involved in it all you right amazingly I love every moment I can see in all in my head.

    1. Hi Hattie, thanks so much for your message! I’m thrilled you enjoyed The Girl Who Walked On Air, especially because of your family background in the circus. That’s really awesome! Can you walk the tightrope? I can’t, sadly, but watched lots of people doing it when writing the book. It must be an incredible skill to have. Emma:))

      1. Yes I can walk the typerope but certainly not as good as some people, As I have seen a show were a man rides a bicycle on a flaming rope! And another does a head stand!
        I have recently read and reviewed your newest book on my blog and am looking forward to your next one to come out.

  6. Hello Emma,
    I was recommended Letters from the Lighthouse , received it yesterday and now just finished it. It is amazing! One question though, what made you use Fairfoot Rd in Bow for where Olive lived and was there a cinema close by then? I realised that my girls live 200m from that road! Kind regards 🙂

    1. Hi, many thanks for your message! I’m thrilled to hear you enjoyed Letters. What a coincidence that your girls live near Fairfoot Road! When writing the book I was very much inspired by my mother in law’s stories of being evacuated from the East End to Somerset. With this in mind I looked at maps of the Blitz, and of the East end to find what seemed to be a residential street. I liked the name Fairfoot Rd, so chose it. As for the cinema, they catch a bus to get there, so I imagined them going to Mile End Road or beyond. I confess I didn’t have a specific cinema in mind. I was using my imagination at that point! Hope this helps, and lovely to hear from you, Emmax

    1. Hello! How lovely-I look forward to receiving it and promise to write back. The best place to send it is to my publishers for the attention of Natasha Brown who will forward it to me. The address is:
      Faber & Faber Ltd
      Bloomsbury House
      74-77 Great Russell Street
      London WC1B 3DA

      Thanks very much! Emma

  7. Hi Emma,
    I’ve just ordered one of your books as my job share partner has chosen it for our year 3 class book for the coming two terms. We shall be planning our entire English curriculum through Letters from the Lighthouse. I’m excited to explore the characters and topics linking it (with some artistic license) in to our location of Weston Super Mare where possible. Please can we send some questions and selected work to you. I expect you get plenty of requests and realise this may not be possible. Warmest regards

    1. Hi Philippa, thanks so much for your message. I’m very excited-and honoured- to hear you’ll be using Letters From The Lighthouse with your students. Hope it goes down well. In answer to your request I’d be very happy to answer any questions your students have. We can do this via email (address on contact page) or via twitter if you use it? By all means send me photos of their work- I’d love to see it- but I’m afraid I’m unable to read and respond to written work as I simply don’t have the time these days. Apologies and hope that all sounds ok. Very best wishes to you and your school. Happy Autumn Term! Emmax

  8. Hi Emma! I’ve just finished your excellent ‘Secrets of a Sun King’ and after drying my eyes,and honking loudly into a tissue,want to thank you for a wonderful journey into Egypt,London,and history.You’ve achieved the historical equivalent of a hidden vegetable, fortified mashed potato trick,and given me a dose of history in a rollicking tale! Thank you !

    Mike Trevener

    1. Hi Flora, thanks for your message. If you write to me via my publishers they’ll forward anything on to me, and I’ll reply to you ( so make sure to include your address!) Thank you.
      Please send your mail to: Emma Carroll c/o Natasha Brown, Faber and Faber, Bloomsbury House, 74-77 Great Russell Street, London, WC1B 3DA

  9. Hello Emma,
    I am an italian girl and I love books and fantasy… I discovered your books on the internet and I think they are amazing! I would ask you if they will be translated in italian. I apologize for my bad english and thank you for your time,
    Best wishes,

    1. Hello Elena, many thanks for your lovely message- your english is perfect. I’m delighted you’ve enjoyed my books, and am glad to say two of them have been translated into Italian so far- Sky CHasers- called Cacciatori Del Cielo, and Secrets of a Sun King, which is Il Segreto Del Faraone. Both are listed on Italian Amazon or you should be able to find them/order from your local bookshop. Good luck, and hope you like them! Emmax

      1. Oh, how beautiful news! I can’t wait to read them…
        Thank you for your nice answer,
        Best greetings and wishes,

  10. Hi Emma Carroll!

    It’s Anu from London. I am 9 years old. I really loved the book, Secrets of a Sun King. I really loved the bit where Lilian kept annoying Howard Carter by telling him all about her grandad. I really wanted to ask you if Lysandra was a real person, was Kyky the nickname for Tutankhamun ,was Ay really the godfather for Tutankhamun , is the bit where Tutankhamun’s heart is kept real and did you research everything or is this all fiction? This book is not the only book I have read but the BEST!/GREATEST! Thank you for writing this book.(It has inspired me a lot).

    1. Hello Anu, many thanks for your awesome message! I’m delighted you enjoyed Sun King and very glad to hear you took inspiration from it. As to your questions, some bits of the story are true but plenty more are fiction. Lysandra IS a made-up person, as is the nickname Kyky. I wanted to imagine Tutankhamen as a boy with friends who knew him well, rather than a famous king. it IS true, however, that he had a godfather called Ay who became pharoah when King Tut died. Its also true that his heart was missing. there are lots of theories as to what happened to it, which is where my imagination came in, though no one has ever found the heart in real life. In order to write the book I did research the era and all the stories around the discovery of the tomb, so plenty of it is based on fact. But as a writer of stories, I like to use my imagination as much as I can. Hope that answers your questions. Huge thanks again for getting in touch, Emma 🙂

      1. Hi Emma!
        It’s me Anu again! Thanks a lot for the information. This information has really made me understand not only whether this is fiction or not but also how an author also uses their imagination as well. I am really excited to share this with my class because my teacher ( She LOVES reading) set us a task to ask you during the holidays whether this was research or all fiction. I feel excited to share this news to the class tomorrow because we read this together! Thanks for the information again!

  11. Hi Emma.

    As part of book week at my daughters school, they have been asked to write to their favourite author and my daughter (Chloe) would like to write to you.
    Do you have an address that she could send it to please?
    Menu thanks.

  12. Hi Emma,
    My friend and I just finished Frost Hollow Hall. You may remember my friend Helena, from the Edinburgh book Festival doing her chicken dance with MALIKI. It’s unlikely but we hope you make a sequel for Frost Hollow Hall, PLEASE
    From Helena and Clara x

  13. Hi Emma,
    I just finished Letters from the Lighthouse and it was the best book I have ever read! I have just started your newest book called The Week at Worlds End and I have only read 5 chapters and it is already incredible! I hope you still keep writing these books as I adore them!
    From Yasmin x

  14. Hello Yasmin! Thanks so much for your message. I’m thrilled you’ve enjoyed reading Letters, and hope you’ll like the references to it throughout The Week At World’s End. The characters and the place, Budmouth Point, became very dear to me when I was writing it, so I couldn’t help but weave them into another story, somehow. You might also like When We Were Warriors, if you’ve not read it already? There’s a sequel story to Letters in there called Olive’s Army, which is set a year later in 1942.
    Thanks again for your kind words, Yasmin. Happy reading, and wishing you a very splendid 2022!

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